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  • Genome Organization and Stability (CNIO-CaixaResearch Frontiers Meeting)
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The 3D folding of chromatin within the nucleus determines the framework in which all processes ofgenome dynamics occur a...

The 3D folding of chromatin within the nucleus determines the framework in which all processes of
genome dynamics occur and has attracted extraordinary attention in the last few years, fundamentally with
the development of genome-wide chromosome-conformation-capture techniques, which have radically
changed our understanding of how the genome is spatially organised in a dynamic fashion. The most
illustrative example for this is perhaps the regulation of gene expression, which is now unconceivable to
understand without a three-dimensional context of controlled chromatin interactions. The connections
between 3D genome organisation and the processes that signal and repair DNA damage in order to
maintain genome integrity are, however, only now starting to emerge, and proving fundamental to
understand the endogenous sources of DNA breaks and chromosomal rearrangement events that drive
cancer onset and progression. In this meeting we aim at bringing together world-leading researchers in
both fields, 3D genome organisation and the DNA-damage response, in order to provide an ideal setting
to bridge the gap between these two fundamental aspects of genome dynamics.

Topics to be covered:

Fundamental principles of genome organisation

SMC complexes in genome organisation and dynamics

Genome organisation and the DNA-damage response

Genome organisation and replicative stress

Genome organisation in health and disease



Abstract submission deadline April 20, 2023. Abstracts must be submitted online when you register.

Registration Submission deadline May 8, 2023

Top scoring abstracts will be selected for short talks in the main programme. Abstract Title (max. 50
words) / Abstract Authors (max. 100 words) / Abstract Centres/Organisations (max. 100 words) / Abstract
(max. 450 words including references)

Registration and Payment: 200 Euro Students and CNIO staff; 400 Euro Post-docs and Academia; 600
Euro Industry.
Register now!

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  • CNIO_EVENTOS creó un nuevo evento

    Genome Organization and Stability (CNIO-CaixaResearch Frontiers Meeting)

    The 3D folding of chromatin within the nucleus determines the framework in which all processes of
    genome dynamics occur and has attracted extraordinary attention in the last few years, fundamentally with
    the development of genome-wide chromosome-conformation-capture techniques, which have radically...

    The 3D folding of chromatin within the nucleus determines the framework in which all processes of
    genome dynamics occur and has attracted extraordinary attention in the last few years, fundamentally with
    the development of genome-wide chromosome-conformation-capture techniques, which have radically
    changed our understanding of how the genome is spatially organised in a dynamic fashion. The most
    illustrative example for this is perhaps the regulation of gene expression, which is now unconceivable to
    understand without a three-dimensional context of controlled chromatin interactions. The connections
    between 3D genome organisation and the processes that signal and repair DNA damage in order to
    maintain genome integrity are, however, only now starting to emerge, and proving fundamental to
    understand the endogenous sources of DNA breaks and chromosomal rearrangement events that drive
    cancer onset and progression. In this meeting we aim at bringing together world-leading researchers in
    both fields, 3D genome organisation and the DNA-damage response, in order to provide an ideal setting
    to bridge the gap between these two fundamental aspects of genome dynamics.

    Topics to be covered:

    Fundamental principles of genome organisation

    SMC complexes in genome organisation and dynamics

    Genome organisation and the DNA-damage response

    Genome organisation and replicative stress

    Genome organisation in health and disease



    Abstract submission deadline April 20, 2023. Abstracts must be submitted online when you register.

    Registration Submission deadline May 8, 2023

    Top scoring abstracts will be selected for short talks in the main programme. Abstract Title (max. 50
    words) / Abstract Authors (max. 100 words) / Abstract Centres/Organisations (max. 100 words) / Abstract
    (max. 450 words including references)

    Registration and Payment: 200 Euro Students and CNIO staff; 400 Euro Post-docs and Academia; 600
    Euro Industry.
    Register now!

    22nd May, 2023 - 23rd May, 2023
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