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An overview of recent results and current research on conjugated antibodies across cancer types: breast, lung, genitouri...

An overview of recent results and current research on conjugated antibodies across cancer types: breast, lung, genitourinary, gynaecologic and digestive. We count with internationally renowned speakers, who will contribute to the meeting with their point of view and experience on the subject.

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  • GRUPOSOLTI creó un nuevo evento

    ADCsessions in oncology 2023 - SOLTI

    An overview of recent results and current research on conjugated antibodies across cancer types: breast, lung, genitourinary, gynaecologic and digestive. We count with internationally renowned speakers, who will contribute to the meeting with their point of view and experience on ...

    An overview of recent results and current research on conjugated antibodies across cancer types: breast, lung, genitourinary, gynaecologic and digestive. We count with internationally renowned speakers, who will contribute to the meeting with their point of view and experience on the subject.

    4th May, 2023 16:00
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