Membership – Requirements and Benefits

The necessary requirements for new members are:

1.- They must have a degree in Medicine and Surgery.

2.- They must be introduced by two Full members who endorse their application by letter, with the exception of Temporary Associate members who become Full members once they have registered the completion of their period of specialisation. Applications on the Society’s official form shall be accompanied by a copy of the specialist qualification and Curriculum Vitae and shall be sent to the Secretary, who, with the corresponding report, shall submit them to the Board of Directors for consideration. The applications submitted to the Board, should they be in order and accepted, shall be communicated to all members eligible to vote on notification of the first ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly, where a decision shall be taken by majority vote.

Full members shall have full rights and obligations as active members of SEOM. They shall be fully informed of all the activities of the Society; they shall be entitled to receive publications produced by the Society free of charge or at special reduced prices and to attend all external events in its life, such as Meetings, Courses and Congresses, also free of charge or by payment of reduced fees, as determined by the Board of Directors for all members. In particular, Full members are entitled to attend, with the right to speak and vote, the ordinary and extraordinary General Assemblies, governing through these the life of the Society. They also have the right to be elected for any position on the Board of Directors or in the Society. They have a generic obligation to contribute towards the goals of SEOM and the specific obligation to pay the annual subscription indicated by the General Assembly.

3.- Temporary Associate membership may be held by doctors who are training towards their specialist qualification in Medical Oncology. The admissions system for Temporary Associate members shall be the same as for Full members. They shall become Full members automatically once the Board of Directors has received their specialist degree or similar documentation, which will then be communicated to the General Assembly. They shall pay an annual subscription equivalent to half of that paid by Full members. Their participation in the General Assemblies shall be with the right to speak but not to vote and they may not be elected to the Board of Directors or to any Action Committees of the Society.

4.- Permanent Associate membership may be held by scientists or other professionals whose work or professional interest is related to the development of the goals of the Society. The admissions system for Permanent Associate members shall be the same as for Full members. They shall have the same rights as Full members, except for their participation at General Assemblies, which shall be with the right to speak but not to vote, and they may not be elected to the Board of Directors or to any Action Committees of the Society. They shall pay an annual subscription equivalent to that paid by Full members.

5.- Correspondent membership may be held by those who, fulfilling the conditions of Full or Permanent Associate members, normally live overseas. They shall retain the rights of their corresponding membership category (Full or Permanent Associate), with the exception that they may not be elected for positions on the Board of Directors, or on any other committees of the Society which involve duties which are incompatible with living abroad. They shall still be required to pay the subscription relating to their category (Full or Permanent Associate).

6.- Patron membership may be held by those individuals or bodies which, whilst wishing to contribute towards the support and development of the Society, are not eligible for Full or Associate membership, and make a significant contribution to the financial support of the Society and are accepted as Patron members by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors.

  • Members who, regardless of their membership status, have entered into retirement, and have notified the Secretariat of the Society of this, shall not be required to pay membership subscriptions. The same applies to those who are unemployed and provide proof of this.
  • Membership is not transferable and shall be withdrawn in any of the following cases:
    • On cancellation, submitted in writing to the President of the Board of Directors
    • Due to death or judicial interdiction.
    • On failure to pay the corresponding subscription two years consecutively, in the case of members who are obliged to pay it. Once this has occurred, the Secretariat of SEOM shall contact the member concerned personally so that they can settle the unpaid amount within 30 days or submit any arguments they may deem appropriate. Failure to do so shall result in a registered letter being sent, granting them a further 30 days. Once this second period has passed without the unpaid amount being settled or with no reasonable justification being provided with regard to any exemption from payment, the membership shall be withdrawn.
    • By agreement reached at the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, when the professional conduct of a member damages the image of the Society or has an adverse effect on the achievement of its goals, once the relevant pleas have been heard. Loss of membership shall not grant the right to any claim with regard to amounts or work contributed to the Society, which shall all be retained by the latter.